Yearend Thoughts from the Director of Agronomy

Dec 13, 2023

Cooperation between Federated and growers marked 2023 successes
As we close in on the end of 2023, my only thought is, “Where did the year go?” But yet, we can see how much we accomplished in 2023.
The spring season threw some twists at us, but nothing the agronomy team wasn’t up for! Kudos to our team for their hard work – and to you, our customers, who worked with them to get the job done.
Federated responded to equipment breakdowns – and inevitable part of farm services – by taking a more aggressive approach to the co-op’s equipment maintenance routines. The old saying, “if you treat the equipment well, it will treat you well,” couldn’t be more accurate.
The co-op constructed a new truck/equipment shed at the Ogilvie location to help us continue to raise the bar on equipment readiness and dependability. We will now be able to store our equipment indoors, particularly in the off season, and protect it from ice, snow, and sun damage.
In 2023, Federated promoted current employees, hired new team members, and celebrated longstanding employees. Rod Gustafson reached his 30-year anniversary with us!
With another successful agronomy season in the books, we are excited to do it all again. Prepay season and seed sales are in full swing, and it you haven’t done so already, it’s time to contact your Federated Agronomist to build your farm plan for 2024. It’s a lot easier to build those plans early so you and your agronomist can effectively cover all the bases: fertilizer, crop protection, seed hybrids and varieties, etc.
We look forward to helping you get the most bushels per acre on your farm in 2024. And as always, we welcome your questions, and we value your business!
Our best to you this holiday season!

Scott Nelson
Agronomy Director

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