Every season presents differenct challenges to crop health. Fungicides are one option to offset the challenges.
Federated's supply of seed and fertilizer is in place and the trucks are ready to go. Be sure to communicate your needs.
Federated patrons will receive their cash payout at 100%. Learn more about patronage at the annual meeting.
A new app called Tarspotter offers a way to find and track the tar spot fungus when it arrives in your fields.
Federated's FieldAlytics app helps keep everyone on the same page, but only if grower info is accurate.
Tar spot continues to affect Midwest corn fields. Possibly your fields, too.
It's that time of year again: Review and sign the Product Service Policy.
You've no doubt heard your Federated Agronomist say, "Start clean and stay clean." Here's how and why.
Proven adjuvant and nutrition products featuring Yield Burst™ technology can help reduce crop stress and increase yield potential.
Spring brings a fresh start every year, and choosing the right inputs gets the season off to a strong start.
Keeping fields clean to protect yield requires that every product "does its share" in the fight against weeds.
The TruChoice® program from Corteva® offers an easy way to get up to 10% savings on Corteva products pruchased through Federated..