Post-Harvest To-do: SCN Testing

Oct 25, 2023

soybean cyst nematode
Add soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN) testing to your to-do list once the combine is back in the shed. An SCN test offered by the soybean council can be critical to the health of your next soybean crop.
The SCN test finds the egg count, which reveals the number of potential nematodes in the soil. Once SCN numbers build – and they keep building over time – “it’s very difficult to bring them down, especially quickly,” said Kevin Carlson, Federated’s agronomy manager. When you “know your numbers” you can apply good crop management techniques (rotation, etc.) and make good variety selections protect yield loss.
Some of the more recently released soybean varieties use the Peking germ plasm source for SCN resistance. A good example was seen in Federated’s Discovery Plots this year: NK14-W6E3 has the Peking germ plasm. According to Carlson, some of these soybean varieties are performing at a very high level, in spite of the presence of SCN.
Your Federated Agronomist will advise you to know your numbers. SCN testing can help protect yield loss in seasons to come. See this link for additional information, which includes a link to receive sampling supplies.

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