Know What’s Up in Your Fields
Jul 11, 2022

It’s that time of year when field scouting is job #1. Here's what to watch for:
Waist-high corn. The opportunity to top-dress your corn crop with yield-boosting nutrients is nearly gone. Don’t wait ‘til it’s too late.
Soybeans flowering. Now is the time to check for white mold. If your soybean field has seen the disease in the past, it’s likely to have even more white mold pressure now. Scout, assess, and determine if a fungicide treatment is needed. Brad Hipsag, Federated ag sales rep in Ogilvie, said, “Beans are small, and it’s a little early, but we are getting moisture now . . . the warm, wet conditions are going to favor white mold.” Fungicides help with mold suppression when applied in a timely manner, but fungicides such as Miravis® Neo from Syngenta can also “bump yields and promote plant health,” said Hipsag.
Weeds on the uptick. “We are near the end of the second pass of soybean spraying,” said Slater, “but we still want to make sure we get clean fields to carry us through to harvest.” Federated’s custom applicators have been “very busy cleaning up on spraying beans,” Hipsag said, adding that it’s “about the end of spraying Enlist® and Liberty® on label, so spray this week.” He noted that Federated is in “good shape on [herbicide] supply.”
Armyworm pressure. “Be on the lookout,” said Slater, “especially in fields that had volunteer rye last year.” Armyworm damage “happens fast and can spread just as quickly.” Give your Federated Agronomist a call to discuss currently available options,” he said.
Herbicide carryover. Last year’s herbicides may not have been washed out where overlap or heavy rates were applied. Mike Slater, agronomy sales rep out of Federated’s Isanti location, observed that mesotrione, in particular, has been noted as a culprit for unwanted carryover. Whitening on the leaves is an indicator of this issue; healthy soybean plants will grow out of this.
Alfalfa weevils, and potato leaf hoppers. There’s been a big weevil run this year, and it’s “challenging to get an effective insecticide,” said Kevin Carlson, Federated’s agronomy sales manager. Supplies are tight. And now, potato leaf hoppers have arrived, according to the U of M Extension Service. “That’s the next insect wave,” said Carlson, adding that “if you have hopper guard alfalfa, you should be ok, but keep checking fields for leaf hoppers.” And talk to your Federated Agronomist with any questions or concerns.
Aphids and spider mites. “Be on the lookout for aphids,” said Hipsag. “Those populations will be worth keeping an eye on.” As their numbers start to grow, plan your treatment options. Remember that the “insecticides for aphids are not always good for spider mites,” said Carlson. Since both are often present in a soybean field, it’s important to not create a spider mite flare when spraying for aphids. “You generally need to include both pests in the decision-making process,” said Carlson. “You can spray for both at the same time by tank mixing two insecticides,” he said. It’s challenging; conditions, pressure, and insecticide supply need to be considered. Your Federated Agronomist can help meet that challenge.
Chlorotic soybeans. While there’s no fix for this season, if your soybeans are showing signs of chlorosis (that is, not fixing nitrogen), take note and plan to amend the soil and/or apply an iron chelate next season to prevent the same problem from recurring. And, check the roots: chlorosis shows up there as well. Field observations from one year to the next can help improve yields overall. Discuss your options with your Federated Agronomist.
Carlson further discusses what to watch for in your fields in this video. And here's more info on foliar fertilizer and Legend™ Elite.
Waist-high corn. The opportunity to top-dress your corn crop with yield-boosting nutrients is nearly gone. Don’t wait ‘til it’s too late.
Soybeans flowering. Now is the time to check for white mold. If your soybean field has seen the disease in the past, it’s likely to have even more white mold pressure now. Scout, assess, and determine if a fungicide treatment is needed. Brad Hipsag, Federated ag sales rep in Ogilvie, said, “Beans are small, and it’s a little early, but we are getting moisture now . . . the warm, wet conditions are going to favor white mold.” Fungicides help with mold suppression when applied in a timely manner, but fungicides such as Miravis® Neo from Syngenta can also “bump yields and promote plant health,” said Hipsag.
Weeds on the uptick. “We are near the end of the second pass of soybean spraying,” said Slater, “but we still want to make sure we get clean fields to carry us through to harvest.” Federated’s custom applicators have been “very busy cleaning up on spraying beans,” Hipsag said, adding that it’s “about the end of spraying Enlist® and Liberty® on label, so spray this week.” He noted that Federated is in “good shape on [herbicide] supply.”
Armyworm pressure. “Be on the lookout,” said Slater, “especially in fields that had volunteer rye last year.” Armyworm damage “happens fast and can spread just as quickly.” Give your Federated Agronomist a call to discuss currently available options,” he said.
Herbicide carryover. Last year’s herbicides may not have been washed out where overlap or heavy rates were applied. Mike Slater, agronomy sales rep out of Federated’s Isanti location, observed that mesotrione, in particular, has been noted as a culprit for unwanted carryover. Whitening on the leaves is an indicator of this issue; healthy soybean plants will grow out of this.
Alfalfa weevils, and potato leaf hoppers. There’s been a big weevil run this year, and it’s “challenging to get an effective insecticide,” said Kevin Carlson, Federated’s agronomy sales manager. Supplies are tight. And now, potato leaf hoppers have arrived, according to the U of M Extension Service. “That’s the next insect wave,” said Carlson, adding that “if you have hopper guard alfalfa, you should be ok, but keep checking fields for leaf hoppers.” And talk to your Federated Agronomist with any questions or concerns.
Aphids and spider mites. “Be on the lookout for aphids,” said Hipsag. “Those populations will be worth keeping an eye on.” As their numbers start to grow, plan your treatment options. Remember that the “insecticides for aphids are not always good for spider mites,” said Carlson. Since both are often present in a soybean field, it’s important to not create a spider mite flare when spraying for aphids. “You generally need to include both pests in the decision-making process,” said Carlson. “You can spray for both at the same time by tank mixing two insecticides,” he said. It’s challenging; conditions, pressure, and insecticide supply need to be considered. Your Federated Agronomist can help meet that challenge.
Chlorotic soybeans. While there’s no fix for this season, if your soybeans are showing signs of chlorosis (that is, not fixing nitrogen), take note and plan to amend the soil and/or apply an iron chelate next season to prevent the same problem from recurring. And, check the roots: chlorosis shows up there as well. Field observations from one year to the next can help improve yields overall. Discuss your options with your Federated Agronomist.
Carlson further discusses what to watch for in your fields in this video. And here's more info on foliar fertilizer and Legend™ Elite.