Keep Fields Clean. Weeds Rob Yield.
Mar 18, 2025

If you’ve heard your Federated Agronomist say it once, you’ve heard it 100 times: “Start clean and stay clean.” Weeds rob yield, and they are no respecter of input costs or commodity pricing.
It’s critical to “use best crop management practices to ensure yield,” said Federated’s Craig Loen, ag sales rep in Osceola.
“Weed pressure will steal nutrients, water, and sunlight,” he added. Weeds emerge – and outgrow – the emerging corn, and they can stunt and stress the corn crop. (And, tough weeds will challenge a soybean crop too.)
Though it’s tempting in a tight economy to stretch products, “always use full rates to help with weed resistance,” he said, acknowledging that “yes, chemicals are not cheap, but using lower than recommended rates, can be an expensive move.” Less than full herbicide rates will lower yield potential, increase weed breakthrough, and significantly add to the weed seed bank for future seasons.
Post emerge herbicide choices should take out emerged weeds and offer good residual control. “Halex® GT and Acuron® GT are both great products with multiple sites of action … heavy hitters for both emerged and non-emerged weeds,” said Loen.
For no-till acres, use a good burndown application, “which may include pre-emerge corn herbicides, dependent on weed pressure that you had in your previous crop,” said Loen.
Using good herbicides that will keep weed pressure to a minimum and protect yield potential will set up this year’s crops for success. In other words, “start clean and stay clean”! Your Federated Agronomist is ready to help you find the best options to improve your ROI in 2025.
It’s critical to “use best crop management practices to ensure yield,” said Federated’s Craig Loen, ag sales rep in Osceola.
“Weed pressure will steal nutrients, water, and sunlight,” he added. Weeds emerge – and outgrow – the emerging corn, and they can stunt and stress the corn crop. (And, tough weeds will challenge a soybean crop too.)
Though it’s tempting in a tight economy to stretch products, “always use full rates to help with weed resistance,” he said, acknowledging that “yes, chemicals are not cheap, but using lower than recommended rates, can be an expensive move.” Less than full herbicide rates will lower yield potential, increase weed breakthrough, and significantly add to the weed seed bank for future seasons.
Post emerge herbicide choices should take out emerged weeds and offer good residual control. “Halex® GT and Acuron® GT are both great products with multiple sites of action … heavy hitters for both emerged and non-emerged weeds,” said Loen.
For no-till acres, use a good burndown application, “which may include pre-emerge corn herbicides, dependent on weed pressure that you had in your previous crop,” said Loen.
Using good herbicides that will keep weed pressure to a minimum and protect yield potential will set up this year’s crops for success. In other words, “start clean and stay clean”! Your Federated Agronomist is ready to help you find the best options to improve your ROI in 2025.