Do a Performance Check Soon

Jun 12, 2024

corn field 36 hours after herbicide application
Whether you sprayed your fields or hired Federated for custom herbicide applications, “about a week after the application, get out in the fields and see if the herbicides did the job,” said Rod Gustafson, Federated’s Albertville location manager. “You should see weed response within seven days, even with the slower acting herbicides.”
You can assess your next steps once you know if the herbicides were or were not effective.
According to the Product Service Policy (PSP), which all growers must sign prior to custom application, performance issues (due to chemical or sprayer issues) must be reported to your Federated Agronomist within 10 days of herbicide application.
“If a certain weed didn’t die, maybe something can still be done,” said Gustafson. At the least, you can plan what to do next if weed kill wasn’t the best it could be – and with all the wet weather, that’s very possible.  “The sooner an issue is seen, the sooner it can be fixed,” he said.
The weeds will stop growing once they are sprayed, even if they don’t appear dead yet. As for the crop itself, corn will continue to grow at about the same pace, but beans may slow down for a while.
Either you or your Federated Agronomist can check fields for herbicide performance, but now is the time to check. As Gustafson said, “Pay attention to your crop.”

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