Discovery Plots Offer Some Surprises

Oct 25, 2023

Discovery Plots had some surprises as harvest continues.
The Federated agronomy team is busy harvesting the Discovery Plots and data will be compiled soon. The yields are better than many expected, given the drought conditions. Notably:
  • The Bostrom corn plot in Isanti saw an average of 200 bu./ac., which is quite the testimonial to where hybrids have come in their ability to tolerate drought.
  • A Foreston plot on lighter soil had surprisingly good yields at 180+ bu./ac.
  • One soybean plot on heavy ground near Rush City averaged 57.5 bu./ac., with a high of 62 bu./ac.
  • Another soybean plot at the Wilhelm farm in Princeton averaged 43.5 bu./ac. on sandy loam, with a best of almost 49 bu./ac.
The conclusion: Corn and soybeans did amazingly well in this dry year. Watch upcoming editions of the Agronomy Update for the full Discovery Plot reports.

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