Control Weeds Before They Emerge

May 15, 2024

before and after Acuron GT application
“We want cleaner rows and healthier corn,” said Carson Unterberger, Federated’s local Syngenta representative, and both Halex GT® and Acuron GT ® -- in post-emerge applications -- make that possible on glyphosate-tolerant corn.

These two products are unique to the corn herbicide market. “There is no true look-alike,” she said, for either product; they feature DoseLock™, a patented formulation that “reduces active ingredient degradation and provides even spray distribution on weeds.”

Both products feature multiple modes of action: Halex GT includes three active ingredients: s-metolachlor, glyphosate, mesotrione. Acuron GT includes the same three ingredients plus the “advanced technology” of bicyclopyrone. Additionally, the mesotrione is encapsulated, which helps keep the product more stable and limits chemical interaction.

“Most growers understand we have a spectrum of grasses and both large- and small-seeded broadleaves to control,” said Unterberger. “We need products that are well-rounded to attack the large spectrum [of weeds].”

Halex GT and Acuron GT work well as an early post-emerge application, which is, "by rule of thumb, at V2,” she said. Layering these products with pre-emerge applications can further extend residual control. (Talk to your Federated Agronomist for pre-emerge options.)

It’s hard to control small-seeded broadleaves, such as waterhemp, once they are above the ground. “Are we pre-the-crop or pre-the-weed?” Unterberger asked. Of course, good field scouting is critical to effective weed management.

“As soon as any weed is out of the ground it’s competing with the crop,” she said. Halex GT or Acuron GT target the weeds that can choke out yield potential. (Always read and follow label directions.)

Talk to your Federated Agronomist to determine the best time to spray your corn crop with Halex GT or Acuron GT this season.

(Photo courtesy of Syngenta, used by permission; images show Acuron GT grower trial in Holdingford, MN, June 2021. Field shown before herbicide and 14 days after application of Acuron GT at 3.75 pt./ac.)

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